A lot of that time is spent listening to my ipod, and the thousands of songs I have downloaded, but some of that time, it's quiet, and I'm thinking. Sometimes I'm crying, and sometimes I'm smiling, as I like to say, right out loud. I'm fortunate, in that, I feel, that every time I turn away and head home after a session, that I'm taking a little bit of those people with me.
When I said good bye to Keisha and her Mom, at the bend in the road, and headed down a long country road towards home, I was smiling. Smiling, because, it isn't everyday in our lives that something ends up perfect. But, from the weather to the location, to the subjects, it was a perfect shoot.
We did some beautiful shots of Keisha the grad, and then she disappeared in the house and came out with a halter for May. This halter was purple, and I could tell, that it had probably never been outside, it was shimmering, so clean and fresh. Keisha said, in that quiet little voice, "you know, I've had this halter for 3 years, just saving it for this day" She humbled me, a lump jumped into my throat, and, with that sweet little gesture, she reminded me to never take this job and not appreciate it. To never forget or lose sight of it's real purpose.
And with that, we jumped the fence into the paddock with May, and we had a blast.
And these are some of the images that made me smile the most.