Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Snow Days

I have been sitting here working, most of the day.  I've been watching the snow pile up in the yard and it's bringing back some memories.

Snow days, when I was a kid, were the best.  I remember baking cookies with my mom, watching The price is right, with my grandfather, and scrap-booking with my grandmother.

Oh, it wasn't the scrap-booking that we do today.  It was with the same purpose, though, that we saved little bits and memories of our daily lives.  The events we had gone to, the cabbage patch kid I adopted, the speeches I wrote for 4-H.  It was a space to put things, a safe book to store things, and it gave us a spot to look when we wanted to remember something.  It was brown manilla paper and a stick of glue, and with that, we created books of our lives.

I recently sent out a number of different packages to my clients, and it made me wonder, what will happen to these when they arrive at their destination.

Where will they end up and how will they be displayed, Who will they share them with?

I have been on an editing marathon the last couple of days, sitting here, I am freezing, and so thankful that I don't have to be out anywhere driving in this mess.

As I edit these pictures, I can almost feel the warmth from the sun, hope they warm up your day too!

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